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Offset pydantic-model

Source code in prefect_hex/models/
class Offset(BaseModel):
    class Config:
        extra = Extra.allow
        allow_mutation = False

    __root__: int = Field(
        default=..., description="Offset for paginated requests.", ge=0

__root__: ConstrainedIntValue pydantic-field required special

Offset for paginated requests.

PageSize pydantic-model

Source code in prefect_hex/models/
class PageSize(BaseModel):
    class Config:
        extra = Extra.allow
        allow_mutation = False

    __root__: int = Field(
        description="Number of results to fetch per page for paginated requests.",

__root__: ConstrainedIntValue pydantic-field required special

Number of results to fetch per page for paginated requests.

ProjectRunResponsePayload pydantic-model

Response format returned by the runProject endpoint.

Source code in prefect_hex/models/
class ProjectRunResponsePayload(BaseModel):
    Response format returned by the runProject endpoint.

    class Config:
        extra = Extra.allow
        allow_mutation = False

    project_id: str = Field(
        default=..., alias="projectId", description="Unique ID for a Hex project."
    run_id: str = Field(
        default=..., alias="runId", description="Unique ID for a run of a Hex project."
    run_status_url: HttpUrl = Field(
        description="URL to query the status of the project run via the Hex API.",
    run_url: HttpUrl = Field(
        description="URL to view the current progress of the project run in the Hex UI.",
    trace_id: str = Field(
            "Hex trace ID to identify an API request. Provide this value to hex support"
            " with any API issues you encounter."

project_id: str pydantic-field required

Unique ID for a Hex project.

run_id: str pydantic-field required

Unique ID for a run of a Hex project.

run_status_url: HttpUrl pydantic-field required

URL to query the status of the project run via the Hex API.

run_url: HttpUrl pydantic-field required

URL to view the current progress of the project run in the Hex UI.

trace_id: str pydantic-field required

Hex trace ID to identify an API request. Provide this value to hex support with any API issues you encounter.


Current status of a project run.

Source code in prefect_hex/models/
class ProjectRunStatus(Enum):
    Current status of a project run.

    pending = "PENDING"
    running = "RUNNING"
    errored = "ERRORED"
    completed = "COMPLETED"
    killed = "KILLED"
    unabletoallocatekernel = "UNABLE_TO_ALLOCATE_KERNEL"

ProjectRunsResponsePayload pydantic-model

Response format returned by the getProjectRuns endpoint.

Source code in prefect_hex/models/
class ProjectRunsResponsePayload(BaseModel):
    Response format returned by the getProjectRuns endpoint.

    class Config:
        extra = Extra.allow
        allow_mutation = False

    next_page: Optional[HttpUrl] = Field(
        description="URL to fetch the next page of results for a paginated API request.",
    previous_page: Optional[HttpUrl] = Field(
        description="URL to fetch the previous page of results for a paginated API request.",
    runs: List[ProjectStatusResponsePayload] = Field(
            "Array of run status payloads in the same format returned by the"
            " `GetRunStatus` endpoint."
    trace_id: str = Field(
            "Hex trace ID to identify an API request. Provide this value to hex support"
            " with any API issues you encounter."

next_page: HttpUrl pydantic-field

URL to fetch the next page of results for a paginated API request.

previous_page: HttpUrl pydantic-field

URL to fetch the previous page of results for a paginated API request.

runs: List[prefect_hex.models.project.ProjectStatusResponsePayload] pydantic-field required

Array of run status payloads in the same format returned by the GetRunStatus endpoint.

trace_id: str pydantic-field required

Hex trace ID to identify an API request. Provide this value to hex support with any API issues you encounter.

ProjectStatusResponsePayload pydantic-model

Response format returned by the getRunStatus endpoint

Source code in prefect_hex/models/
class ProjectStatusResponsePayload(BaseModel):
    Response format returned by the getRunStatus endpoint

    class Config:
        extra = Extra.allow
        allow_mutation = False

    elapsed_time: float = Field(
        description="Total elapsed time for the project run in milliseconds.",
    end_time: Optional[datetime] = Field(
        description="UTC timestamp of when the project run finished.",
    project_id: str = Field(
        default=..., alias="projectId", description="Unique ID for a Hex project."
    run_id: str = Field(
        default=..., alias="runId", description="Unique ID for a run of a Hex project."
    run_url: HttpUrl = Field(
        description="URL to view the current progress of the project run in the Hex UI.",
    start_time: datetime = Field(
        description="UTC timestamp of when the project run started.",
    status: ProjectRunStatus
    trace_id: str = Field(
            "Hex trace ID to identify an API request. Provide this value to hex support"
            " with any API issues you encounter."

elapsed_time: float pydantic-field required

Total elapsed time for the project run in milliseconds.

end_time: datetime pydantic-field

UTC timestamp of when the project run finished.

project_id: str pydantic-field required

Unique ID for a Hex project.

run_id: str pydantic-field required

Unique ID for a run of a Hex project.

run_url: HttpUrl pydantic-field required

URL to view the current progress of the project run in the Hex UI.

start_time: datetime pydantic-field required

UTC timestamp of when the project run started.

trace_id: str pydantic-field required

Hex trace ID to identify an API request. Provide this value to hex support with any API issues you encounter.

RunProjectRequestBody pydantic-model

Source code in prefect_hex/models/
class RunProjectRequestBody(BaseModel):
    class Config:
        extra = Extra.allow
        extra = Extra.forbid
        allow_mutation = False

    dry_run: Optional[bool] = Field(
            "If specified, perform a dry run without actually executing the project."
    input_params: Optional[Dict[str, Any]] = Field(
        description="Optional input parameter value map for this project run.",
        example={"numeric_input_1": 123, "text_input_1": "Hello World"},
    update_cache: Optional[bool] = Field(
            "When true, this run will update the cached state of the published app with"
            " the latest run results.\nAdditionally, any SQL cells that have caching"
            " enabled will be re-executed as part of this run. Note\nthat this cannot"
            " be set to true if custom input parameters are provided."

dry_run: bool pydantic-field

If specified, perform a dry run without actually executing the project.

input_params: Dict[str, Any] pydantic-field

Optional input parameter value map for this project run.

update_cache: bool pydantic-field

When true, this run will update the cached state of the published app with the latest run results. Additionally, any SQL cells that have caching enabled will be re-executed as part of this run. Note that this cannot be set to true if custom input parameters are provided.