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prefect-gcp makes it easy to leverage the capabilities of Google Cloud Platform (GCP) in your flows, featuring support for Vertex AI, Cloud Run, BigQuery, Cloud Storage, and Secret Manager.

Getting Started

Saving credentials to a block

You will need to first install prefect-gcp and authenticate with a service account in order to use prefect-gcp.

prefect-gcp is able to safely save and load the service account, so they can be reused across the collection! Simply follow the steps below.

  1. Refer to the GCP service account documentation on how to create and download a service account key file.
  2. Copy the JSON contents.
  3. Create a short script, replacing the placeholders with your information.
from prefect_gcp import GcpCredentials

# replace this PLACEHOLDER dict with your own service account info
service_account_info = {
  "type": "service_account",
  "project_id": "PROJECT_ID",
  "private_key_id": "KEY_ID",
  "private_key": "-----BEGIN PRIVATE KEY-----\nPRIVATE_KEY\n-----END PRIVATE KEY-----\n",
  "client_email": "SERVICE_ACCOUNT_EMAIL",
  "client_id": "CLIENT_ID",
  "auth_uri": "",
  "token_uri": "",
  "auth_provider_x509_cert_url": "",
  "client_x509_cert_url": ""


service_account_info vs service_account_file

The advantage of using service_account_info, instead of service_account_file, is that it is accessible across containers.

If service_account_file is used, the provided file path must be available in the container executing the flow.

Congrats! You can now easily load the saved block, which holds your credentials:

from prefect_gcp import GcpCredentials

Registering blocks

Register blocks in this module to view and edit them on Prefect Cloud:

prefect block register -m prefect_gcp

Using Prefect with Google Cloud Run

Is your local computer or server running out of memory or taking too long to complete a job?

prefect_gcp can offers a solution by enabling you to execute your Prefect flows remotely, on-demand thru Google Cloud Run.

The following code snippets demonstrate how prefect_gcp can be used to run a job on Cloud Run, either as part of a Prefect deployment's infrastructure or within a flow.

As Infrastructure

Below is a simple walkthrough for how to use Google Cloud Run as infrastructure for a deployment.

Set variables

To expedite copy/paste without the needing to update placeholders manually, update and execute the following.

export CLOUD_RUN_JOB_BLOCK_NAME="cloud-run-job-example"
export CLOUD_RUN_JOB_REGION="us-central1"
export GCS_BUCKET_BLOCK_NAME="cloud-run-job-bucket-example"
export GCP_PROJECT_ID=$(gcloud config get-value project)
Build an image

First, find an existing image within the Google Artifact Registry. Ensure it has Python and prefect-gcp[cloud_storage] installed, or follow the instructions below to set one up.

Create a Dockerfile.

FROM prefecthq/prefect:2-python3.11
RUN pip install "prefect-gcp[cloud_storage]"

Then push to the Google Artifact Registry.

gcloud artifacts repositories create test-example-repository --repository-format=docker --location=us
gcloud auth configure-docker
docker build -t${GCP_PROJECT_ID}/test-example-repository/prefect-gcp:2-python3.11 .
docker push${GCP_PROJECT_ID}/test-example-repository/prefect-gcp:2-python3.11
Save an infrastructure and storage block

Save a custom infrastructure and storage block by executing the following snippet.

import os
from prefect_gcp import GcpCredentials, CloudRunJob, GcsBucket

gcp_credentials = GcpCredentials.load(os.environ["CREDENTIALS_BLOCK_NAME"])

# must be from GCR and have Python + Prefect
image = f"{os.environ['GCP_PROJECT_ID']}/test-example-repository/prefect-gcp:2-python3.11"  # noqa

cloud_run_job = CloudRunJob(
)["CLOUD_RUN_JOB_BLOCK_NAME"], overwrite=True)

bucket_name = "cloud-run-job-bucket"
cloud_storage_client = gcp_credentials.get_cloud_storage_client()
gcs_bucket = GcsBucket(
)["GCS_BUCKET_BLOCK_NAME"], overwrite=True)
Write a flow

Then, use an existing flow to create a deployment with, or use the flow below if you don't have an existing flow handy.

from prefect import flow

def cloud_run_job_flow():
    print("Hello, Prefect!")

if __name__ == "__main__":
Create a deployment

If the script was named "", build a deployment manifest with the following command.

prefect deployment build \
    -n cloud-run-deployment \
    -ib cloud-run-job/${CLOUD_RUN_JOB_BLOCK_NAME} \
    -sb gcs-bucket/${GCS_BUCKET_BLOCK_NAME}

Now apply the deployment!

prefect deployment apply cloud_run_job_flow-deployment.yaml
Test the deployment

Start up an agent in a separate terminal. The agent will poll the Prefect API for scheduled flow runs that are ready to run.

prefect agent start -q 'default'

Run the deployment once to test.

prefect deployment run cloud-run-job-flow/cloud-run-deployment

Once the flow run has completed, you will see Hello, Prefect! logged in the Prefect UI.

No class found for dispatch key

If you encounter an error message like KeyError: "No class found for dispatch key 'cloud-run-job' in registry for type 'Block'.", ensure prefect-gcp is installed in the environment that your agent is running!

Within Flow

You can execute commands through Cloud Run Job directly within a Prefect flow.

from prefect import flow
from prefect_gcp import GcpCredentials
from prefect_gcp.cloud_run import CloudRunJob

def cloud_run_job_flow():
    cloud_run_job = CloudRunJob(
        command=["echo", "Hello, Prefect!"],

Using Prefect with Google Vertex AI

prefect_gcp can enable you to execute your Prefect flows remotely, on-demand using Google Vertex AI too!

Be sure to additionally install the AI Platform extra!

Setting up a Vertex AI job is extremely similar to setting up a Cloud Run Job, but replace CloudRunJob with the following snippet.

from prefect_gcp import GcpCredentials, VertexAICustomTrainingJob, GcsBucket

gcp_credentials = GcpCredentials.load("BLOCK-NAME-PLACEHOLDER")

vertex_ai_job = VertexAICustomTrainingJob(
    image="IMAGE-NAME-PLACEHOLDER",  # must be from GCR and have Python + Prefect

Cloud Run Job vs Vertex AI

With Vertex AI, you can allocate computational resources on-the-fly for your executions, much like Cloud Run.

However, unlike Cloud Run, you have the flexibility to provision instances with higher CPU, GPU, TPU, and RAM capacities.

Additionally, jobs can run for up to 7 days, which is significantly longer than the maximum duration allowed on Cloud Run.

Using Prefect with Google BigQuery

Got big data in BigQuery? prefect_gcp allows you to steadily stream data from and write to Google BigQuery within your Prefect flows!

Be sure to install prefect-gcp with the BigQuery extra!

The provided code snippet shows how you can use prefect_gcp to create a new dataset in BigQuery, define a table, insert rows, and fetch data from the table.

from prefect import flow
from prefect_gcp.bigquery import GcpCredentials, BigQueryWarehouse

def bigquery_flow():
    all_rows = []
    gcp_credentials = GcpCredentials.load("BLOCK-NAME-PLACEHOLDER")

    client = gcp_credentials.get_bigquery_client()
    client.create_dataset("test_example", exists_ok=True)

    with BigQueryWarehouse(gcp_credentials=gcp_credentials) as warehouse:
            "CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS test_example.customers (name STRING, address STRING);"
            "INSERT INTO test_example.customers (name, address) VALUES (%(name)s, %(address)s);",
                {"name": "Marvin", "address": "Highway 42"},
                {"name": "Ford", "address": "Highway 42"},
                {"name": "Unknown", "address": "Highway 42"},
        while True:
            # Repeated fetch* calls using the same operation will
            # skip re-executing and instead return the next set of results
            new_rows = warehouse.fetch_many("SELECT * FROM test_example.customers", size=2)
            if len(new_rows) == 0:
    return all_rows


Using Prefect with Google Cloud Storage

With prefect_gcp, you can have peace of mind that your Prefect flows have not only seamlessly uploaded and downloaded objects to Google Cloud Storage, but also have these actions logged.

Be sure to additionally install prefect-gcp with the Cloud Storage extra!

The provided code snippet shows how you can use prefect_gcp to upload a file to a Google Cloud Storage bucket and download the same file under a different file name.

from pathlib import Path
from prefect import flow
from prefect_gcp import GcpCredentials, GcsBucket

def cloud_storage_flow():
    # create a dummy file to upload
    file_path = Path("test-example.txt")
    file_path.write_text("Hello, Prefect!")

    gcp_credentials = GcpCredentials.load("BLOCK-NAME-PLACEHOLDER")
    gcs_bucket = GcsBucket(

    gcs_bucket_path = gcs_bucket.upload_from_path(file_path)
    downloaded_file_path = gcs_bucket.download_object_to_path(
        gcs_bucket_path, "downloaded-test-example.txt"
    return downloaded_file_path.read_text()


Upload and download directories

GcsBucket supports uploading and downloading entire directories. To view examples, check out the Examples Catalog!

Using Prefect with Google Secret Manager

Do you already have secrets available on Google Secret Manager? There's no need to migrate them!

prefect_gcp allows you to read and write secrets with Google Secret Manager within your Prefect flows.

Be sure to install prefect-gcp with the Secret Manager extra!

The provided code snippet shows how you can use prefect_gcp to write a secret to the Secret Manager, read the secret data, delete the secret, and finally return the secret data.

from prefect import flow
from prefect_gcp import GcpCredentials, GcpSecret

def secret_manager_flow():
    gcp_credentials = GcpCredentials.load("BLOCK-NAME-PLACEHOLDER")
    gcp_secret = GcpSecret(secret_name="test-example", gcp_credentials=gcp_credentials)
    gcp_secret.write_secret(secret_data=b"Hello, Prefect!")
    secret_data = gcp_secret.read_secret()
    return secret_data


Accessing Google credentials or clients from GcpCredentials

In the case that prefect-gcp is missing a feature, feel free to submit an issue.

In the meantime, you may want to access the underlying Google Cloud credentials or clients, which prefect-gcp exposes via the GcpCredentials block.

The provided code snippet shows how you can use prefect_gcp to instantiate a Google Cloud client, like bigquery.Client.

Note a GcpCredentials object is NOT a valid input to the underlying BigQuery client--use the get_credentials_from_service_account method to access and pass an actual google.auth.Credentials object.

from prefect import flow
from prefect_gcp import GcpCredentials

def create_bigquery_client():
    gcp_credentials = GcpCredentials.load("BLOCK-NAME-PLACEHOLDER")
    google_auth_credentials = gcp_credentials.get_credentials_from_service_account()
    bigquery_client = bigquery.Client(credentials=google_auth_credentials)

If you simply want to access the underlying client, prefect-gcp exposes a get_client method from GcpCredentials.

from prefect import flow
from prefect_gcp import GcpCredentials

def create_bigquery_client():
    gcp_credentials = GcpCredentials.load("BLOCK-NAME-PLACEHOLDER")
    bigquery_client = gcp_credentials.get_client("bigquery")


For more tips on how to use tasks and flows in a Collection, check out Using Collections!


To use prefect-gcp and Cloud Run:

pip install prefect-gcp

To use Cloud Storage:

pip install "prefect-gcp[cloud_storage]"

To use BigQuery:

pip install "prefect-gcp[bigquery]"

To use Secret Manager:

pip install "prefect-gcp[secret_manager]"

To use Vertex AI:

pip install "prefect-gcp[aiplatform]"

A list of available blocks in prefect-gcp and their setup instructions can be found here.

Requires an installation of Python 3.7+.

We recommend using a Python virtual environment manager such as pipenv, conda or virtualenv.

These tasks are designed to work with Prefect 2. For more information about how to use Prefect, please refer to the Prefect documentation.


If you encounter any bugs while using prefect-gcp, feel free to open an issue in the prefect-gcp repository.

If you have any questions or issues while using prefect-gcp, you can find help in either the Prefect Discourse forum or the Prefect Slack community.

Feel free to star or watch prefect-gcp for updates too!