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Examples Catalog

Below is a list of examples for prefect-openai.

Completion Module

Interpret the exception raised from a flow.

import httpx
from prefect import flow
from prefect_openai.completion import interpret_exception

def example_flow():
    resp = httpx.get("")


Use a unique prefix and include the last line of the traceback in the prompt.

import httpx
from prefect import flow
from prefect_openai.completion import interpret_exception

    prompt_prefix="Offer a solution:",
def example_flow():
    resp = httpx.get("")

Create an OpenAI Completion given a prompt:
from prefect import flow
from prefect_openai import CompletionModel, OpenAICredentials

def my_ai_bot(model_name: str = "text-davinci-003")
    credentials = OpenAICredentials.load("my-openai-creds")

    completion_model = CompletionModel(

    for prompt in ["hi!", "what is the meaning of life?"]:
        completion = completion_model.submit_prompt(prompt)

Credentials Module

Load a configured block:

from prefect_openai import OpenAICredentials

credentials = OpenAICredentials.load("BLOCK_NAME")

Get the OpenAPI client:

from prefect_openai import OpenAICredentials

credentials = OpenAICredentials.load("BLOCK_NAME")
client = credentials.get_client()

Image Module

Create an OpenAI Image given a prompt:

from prefect_openai import ImageModel

image_model = ImageModel.load("BLOCK_NAME")
image_model.submit_prompt(prompt="A prompt for an image.")